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Konsekvenser av att do ar en drabbande roman, som inte lamnar nagon orord, för låg testosteronnivå. Furthermore, some commentators have raised the possibility of a link between supraphysiologic testosterone levels and dementia through androgenic induction of additional oxidative stress 70. Infertility following AAS use is secondary to suppression of intratesticular testosterone levels, which can lead to azoospermia or oligozoospermia 71. It is generally thought that restoration of sperm count and quality after AAS cessation would eventuate with sufficient passage of time, with the 12- to 24-month mark being cited as the timeframe for the bulk of AAS users 72, 73. One 2020 cross-sectional study of 72 AAS misusers and 31 healthy controls noted no significant difference in sperm output, sperm concentration, and sperm motility between former AAS users and nonusers, with the mean recovery time for these parameters post-AAS cessation being 14 months, 10 months, and 37 months, respectively 74, . Conversely, a 2021 prospective study of AAS users who intended to initiate a cycle discovered that at 1 year follow-up, 34 of users had a total sperm count below 40 million normal range 39 million 75..


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