Friday, September 20, 2024
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Procedure Of Intubation – Dr Mathew And Team #shorts

This video shows the process of intubation. When someone can't breathe, intubation is a treatment that may help save a life. source

Jaw Surgery Transformation – Amazing Results | Dr Mathew PC #shorts

This video shows amazing transformations after Jaw Surgery In India. They got an excellent transformation with a confident face. source

Refine your look, redefine your confidence with rhinoplasty – Dr Mathew PC #shorts

Rhinoplasty is all about changing the confidence and function of the patient. This case had a dorsal hump without any tip ... source

Amazing Results After Rhinoplasty in Kerala – Before & After | Dr Mathew PC #shorts

This video showcases remarkable outcomes following Rhinoplasty. Rhinoplasty, also known as nose job or nose surgery, is a ... source

Pre Procedure Of Rhinoplasty Surgery In India | Dr Mathew PC #shorts

This video shows the procedure before rhinoplasty surgery in India. The patient is ready for the surgery. Dr Mathew PC is the best ... source

Unbelievable Change After Rhinoplasty In India – Amazing Transformation | Dr Mathew PC #shorts

This video shows an amazing transformation of a lady after successful Rhinoplasty in India. Dr Mathew PC is the best rhinoplastic ... source

Lip Scar And Nose Correction In India | Dr Mathew PC #shorts

This video shows a child born with a cleft lip who underwent lip repair and now comes to us with scarring of the upper...

Best Result After Rhinoplasty In India | Before & After Results | Dr Mathew PC #shorts

Looking for the best rhinoplasty results in India? Look no further! In this video, we show you some amazing before and after results ... source

"Transform your smile, transform your life." – Jaw Surgery Result | Dr Mathew PC #shorts

Most of the patients are scared of jaw surgery. Here is a case in which this case had a forwardly overgrown lower jaw he...

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